Les dejo una de las obras de esta serie, una diosa de acuarela.
Estoy en las ciernes de una nueva galería y para ello se me pidió realizar 50 obras de pequeño formato. 50 obras no suena tanto pero al realizarlas me di cuenta que era un trabajo muy grande. El que ya entregué e hice dando lo mejor de mi como pintora, como dibujante, como ilustradora, sin guías, sin saber qué sería adecuado, sino siguiendo mi instinto y mi autocrítica, que dicho sea de paso, es una censor cruel y exigente con el que he debido lidiar toda mi vida pero que en fin, es como un vecino puntilloso y metido que tenemos que aguantar y que de tanto hacernos la vida imposible, nos termina por enternecer cuando vemos que en el fondo, le importamos. Así, pasé por momentos en los que amaba mis obras y otros en los que no quería ni entrar al taller. Pero cuando di por terminado el trabajo y como siempre, organizada, pegué las obras en papel y terminé la presentación de entrega, comencé a ver que la calidad de las obras era buena, que había una buena variedad de técnicas, colores y destrezas, quedé feliz. Terminada la obra, sonreí. Y sonreí más cuando vinieron los responsables de la galería y sonrieron también, quedaron felices, veía que el asombro y la grata sorpresa que mostraban era real, me sentí complacida. Me expresaron tantas cosas lindas acerca de las obras que realmente me hicieron sentir satisfecha. Un trabajo largo pero conciente siempre da sus frutos. Y estas obras fueron hechas así, con toda la entrega y el profesionalismo que siempre me han caracterizado, con mi alma, con mi corazón y con estas manos que plasman el milagro sobre el papel.
I leave one of the works in this series, a goddess of watercolor.
I am in the budding of a new gallery and for that I was asked to perform 50 small works. 50 works does not sound much but in making them I realized that was a big job. The already delivered and I give my best as a painter, and draftsman, and illustrator, without guides, without knowing what would be appropriate, but following my instinct and my self-criticism, which incidentally, is a cruel and demanding sensor I've had to deal all my life but in the end, is like a picky neighbor and got we have to endure so much and make life impossible for us to soften ends when we see that at heart, he cares. So, I went through times when I loved my work and others that would not even enter the shop. But when I terminate the work and as always, organized, works on paper glued and finished the presentation for delivery, I began to see that the quality of the work was good, there was a good variety of techniques, colors and skills, I was happy. When work is finished, I smiled. And I smiled when they came over the heads of the gallery and smiled too, were happy, seeing the wonder and the pleasant surprise showing was real, I was pleased. I expressed so many nice things about the works that really made me feel satisfied. A long but conscious work always pays off. And these works were done well, with all the dedication and professionalism that I have always been characterized, with my soul, my heart and these hands that capture the miracle on paper.
I leave one of the works in this series, a goddess of watercolor.
I am in the budding of a new gallery and for that I was asked to perform 50 small works. 50 works does not sound much but in making them I realized that was a big job. The already delivered and I give my best as a painter, and draftsman, and illustrator, without guides, without knowing what would be appropriate, but following my instinct and my self-criticism, which incidentally, is a cruel and demanding sensor I've had to deal all my life but in the end, is like a picky neighbor and got we have to endure so much and make life impossible for us to soften ends when we see that at heart, he cares. So, I went through times when I loved my work and others that would not even enter the shop. But when I terminate the work and as always, organized, works on paper glued and finished the presentation for delivery, I began to see that the quality of the work was good, there was a good variety of techniques, colors and skills, I was happy. When work is finished, I smiled. And I smiled when they came over the heads of the gallery and smiled too, were happy, seeing the wonder and the pleasant surprise showing was real, I was pleased. I expressed so many nice things about the works that really made me feel satisfied. A long but conscious work always pays off. And these works were done well, with all the dedication and professionalism that I have always been characterized, with my soul, my heart and these hands that capture the miracle on paper.